Language Studio Cloud enables you to run reports to see your translation history for jobs ran through Language Studio. The reports give you the options to view individual jobs with the words and translation unit consumption for each job on each engine and also to view summaries on the amount of jobs and words and units used per engine. 

Here is an overview on what the reports can do.

* See all Translation jobs that have been run on your account by either stating an individual engine or on all engines.

* See all Translations jobs run on your account and by which users.

* See the Job IDs, filenames and amount of words and units consumed by each translation job and the value of units consumed for each job.

* See a summary of how many translation jobs have been run per engine run on your account grouped either by day, week, or month in a specified date range.

* Ability to download the report by either PDF or Excel, whichever fits your preference.

The Translation Reports available are as follows:

Translation Job Detail

This report gives you details about each Translation Job for a specified date range.

Use this report if you wish to:

* See each translation job done during a specific date range.

* See each translation job done on a specific engine OR by all engines.

The report includes:

* Dates the jobs were submitted and which user they were submitted by.

* The Language Pair and the engine's Domain name and code used for each job.

* The Input file and the words, units and value of units consumed for each job.

* A summary of the total jobs run, words and units used and the value of all units consumed in the specified date range.

* The ability to download the report in PDF or Excel format.

Example of when to use - You wish to list all jobs ran on your engines for a particular date range and see how many words and units were consumed for each job or in that particular date range.

Translation Job Summary

This reports gives you a summary of jobs grouped together by day, week, month or all together in a specified date range.

Use this report if you wish to:

* See a summary of the amount of jobs run (along with totals of words, units and unit value) on each engine.

* See a summary of the jobs in a particular date range grouped together by either day, week, month or all grouped together.

This report includes:

* The ability to choose which group summary you want the report to appear in, i.e. grouped by day, week, month or all grouped together.

* The amount of jobs run on each engine for that grouping.

* The amount of words, units and units consumed by each engine for that grouping.

* A summary of the total jobs run, words and units used and the value of all units consumed for that particular grouping.

* The ability to download the report in PDF or Excel format.

Example of when to use - You wish to have a summary of how many jobs were run on each engine and units consumed for particular months.

Accessing the Translation Reports

1. To access the Reports in Language Studio, log into your account and select Menu>General>Reports.

2. You have two reports to choose from, Translation Job Detail and Translation Job Summary. Details on the differences between the reports are specified above.

Running the Translation Job Detail report

1. Select the access button for Translation Job Detail.

2. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the date range you wish to run the report.

3. (Optional) Add the Domain Code of your Custom Engine that you wish to run the report against. If you want the report run against all engines, leave the field blank.

4. Select the Format, either PDF or Excel and then click Download Report.

5. Once downloaded, open up the report.

Running the Translation Job Summary report

1. Select the access button for Translation Job Summary.

2. Choose the Start Date and End Date for the date range you want the summary for.

3. Select Group By for how you want the summaries to appear in the report. 

For example, if you want a summary by each day, select Group By - Day. Likewise, if you want by week, select Week, by month, select Month. Alternatively, if you don't want them grouped by day, week or month, select Group By - All, which will group into one summary.

4. Select the Format, either PDF or Excel and then click Download Report.

5. Once downloaded, open up the report.

Group By All - 

Group By Month - 

If you have any queries on the report, you can contact your Client Account Manager who can look into this for you.