The template in this sample is for JS2, but can be used for any JS step from 1 through to 7.

This template also includes code for debugging in Microsoft Visual Studio.



//Language Studio Pre-Processing Script
//Copyright 2008-2016 Omniscien Technologies Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

//NOTE: This script is designed to be debugged in Microsoft Visual Studio.
//      To run without the Microsoft JavaScript debugger type following command line: 
//            cscript default.pre.3.js
//      To run with the Microsoft JavaScript debugger type the following command line:
//	  		  cscript default.pre.3.js //D //X
//      No changes are necessary to run in production, simply upload and the code will autodetect that it is in the Language Studio production environment.

//IMPORTANT: There are very minor differences in RegEx between Microsoft and Oracle Java implementations. 

//Template - Below are the typical tasks performed in JS2
//1. Document level normalization of encoding and content formats (i.e. csv, html, ANSI in UTF-8, etc.)
//2. Basic repairs of things that would possibly cause issues in translation quality (NOTE: may be better to do most in JS3 if they do not impact TU Extract)
//3. Apply any special cases for splitting segments. (e.g. rules to handle exceptions in splitting segments)
//4. Mark content that should not be translated which will then be excluded from the TU extract step.

var iJSNo = 2; //The number of the JS Script
var sSourceLang = "en"; //SET YOUR SOURCE LANGUAGE
var sTargetLang = "ja"; //SET YOUR TARGET LANGUAGE

var isDebug = 0; 
var isExternalTest = 0; 
var logText = "";
var sLangPair = "";

//Detects if we are running in the Language Studio Enterprise runtime or development environment
var bIsDev = ((typeof AOSession) == "undefined");
if (bIsDev) {
    isDebug = 1;
    isExternalTest = 1;
    //Set the paths to load the input files from for testing in Microsoft Visual Studio debugger. 
    var sTestInFilePath = currentPath() + "\\In" + iJSNo + "." + sSourceLang + ".txt";
    var sTestOutFilePath = currentPath() + "\\Out" + iJSNo + "." + sSourceLang + ".txt";

//Declare your global variables here

//Add prototypes if needed
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
    String.prototype.trim = function () {
        return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

function main(sAllSourceSegments) {
    log("main (start)");


    //Process the all segments as 1 block of text
    sAllSourceSegments = processAllSourceSegments(sAllSourceSegments);

    //Process each segment line one at a time - MUCH SLOWER - TRY TO AVOID UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY
    sAllSourceSegments = processEachSegment(sAllSourceSegments); 

    //Cleanup and make sure none of the formatting has intruduced avoidable errors.
    sAllSourceSegments = processFinalCleanup(sAllSourceSegments)

    log("main (exit)");

    if (logText.length > 0)
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments + "\r\n<notran>AOSPLITLOGAO\r\n" + logText + "</notran>";

    // Return output
    return sAllSourceSegments;

//Process the entire source as 1 block of data - faster than single Segment
function processAllSourceSegments(sAllSourceSegments) {
    log("processAllSourceSegments (start)");

    log("processAllSourceSegments (exit)");

    return sAllSourceSegments;

//Processes a single segment - slower as it loops through each segment
function processSegment(sSegment) {
	return sSegment;

//Standard functions do not modify below this point
function processEachSegment(sAllSourceSegments) {
    //NOTE: If at all possible, put your code in processAllSegments

    //Line break must be \n not \r\n
    var aSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.split("\n");
    for (var i in aSourceSegments) {
        aSourceSegments[i] = processSegment(aSourceSegments[i]);
    sAllSourceSegments = aSourceSegments.join("\n");
    return sAllSourceSegments;

function removeBOM(sIn) {
    var sBOM = "\xef\xbb\xbf";

    if (sIn.indexOf(sBOM) == 0) {
        return sIn.substring(sBOM.length, sIn.length - sBOM.length);
    else {
        return sIn;

function stringCount(sIn, sCount) {
    return sIn.split(sCount).length - 1;

function Upper(input) {
    var sOut = input.toUpperCase();
    return sOut;

function Lower(input) {
    var sOut = input.toLowerCase();
    return sOut;

function initializeLang() {
    sSourceLang = sSourceLang.toLowerCase();
    sTargetLang = sTargetLang.toLowerCase();
    sLangPair = sSourceLang + '-' + sTargetLang;

function processFinalCleanup(sAllSourceSegments) {
    log("processFinalCleanup (start)");

    regexp = new RegExp(/(<\/notran><notran>)/g); //
    sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(regexp, "");

    if (!isDebug) {
        //Cleanup markers
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOFORWARDSLASHAO/gmi), '/');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOBACKSLASHAO/gmi), '\\');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOXAO/gmi), 'x');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOATAO/gmi), '@');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOATDASHATAO/gmi), '@-@');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AODASHAO/gmi), '-');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOPLUSAO/gmi), '+');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOQUOTEAO|AODOUBLEQUOTEAO/gmi), '"');
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/AOSINGLEQUOTEAO/gmi), "'");

    sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/(<notran>[ ]{0,}(\-|\+)[ ]{0,}<\/notran>)/gmi), "<notran> $2 </notran>");

    if (!isExternalTest) {
        log("processFinalCleanup (Internal adjustments)");

        //Change the content to internal formats if past JS2
        if (iJSNo > 2) {
            //Control XML
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<wall\/>/g), "&lt;wall/&gt;");
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<\/zone>/g), "&lt;/zone&gt;");
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<zone>/g), "&lt;zone&gt;");
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<notrani>(.*?)<\/notrani>/g), "<aotran type=\"notran\" translation=\"$1\">aonotranao</aotran>");
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<notran>(.*?)<\/notran>/g), "<aotran type=\"notran\" translation=\"$1\">aonotranao</aotran>");
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/<notran>(.*?)<\/notran>/g), "<aotran type=\"notran\" translation=\"$1\">aonotranao</aotran>");

            //Multiple White Space
            sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/[ ]{2,}/g), " ");
    else {
        //Check for test case markers and mark them to not be translated
        //regexp = new RegExp(/(##TESTCASE)([^\r\n]*)/g);
        sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/(##TESTCASE)([^\r\n]*)/g), "<notran>$1$2</notran>");

    //BOM safety check
    sAllSourceSegments = removeBOM(sAllSourceSegments);

    log("processFinalCleanup (exit)");

    return sAllSourceSegments;

function log(sText) {
    if (isDebug == 1) {
        var now = new Date();
        logText += "\r\n" + formatLogDate(now) + "\t" + sText;

function formatLogDate(dDate) {
    //zero-pad a single zero if needed
    var zp = function (val) {
        return (val <= 9 ? '0' + val : '' + val);

    //zero-pad up to two zeroes if needed
    var zp2 = function (val) {
        return val <= 99 ? (val <= 9 ? '00' + val : '0' + val) : ('' + val);

    var d = dDate.getDate();
    var m = dDate.getMonth() + 1;
    var y = dDate.getFullYear();
    var h = dDate.getHours();
    var min = dDate.getMinutes();
    var s = dDate.getSeconds();
    var ms = dDate.getMilliseconds();
    return '' + y + '-' + zp(m) + '-' + zp(d) + ' ' + zp(h) + ':' + zp(min) + ':' + zp(s) + '.' + zp2(ms);

function setScriptNo() {
    //Autodetect the script number from the name
    if (bIsDev) {
        var sNum = WScript.ScriptName.toString().replace(RegExp(/(.{0,})(\d{1,})(.{0,})/gmi), "$2");
        iJSNo = parseInt(sNum);
    else {
        if (iJSNo = 0) {
            iJSNo = parseInt(AOSession.getValue("ScriptNo"));

//WINDOWS TEST FUNCTIONS - For use with WScript
if (isExternalTest) ExternalTest();

function ExternalTest() {
    if (isDebug) WScript.Echo('--Start Test--');

    //Read input from a file
    var sAllSourceSegments = fileToString(sTestInFilePath);

    //Normalize CRLF to \n
    sAllSourceSegments = sAllSourceSegments.replace(RegExp(/\r\n|\r/g), "\n");

    //Execute test as a normal pre-processing step would execute it. 
    var sOut = main(sAllSourceSegments);

    //Write the output to a file
    stringToFile(sTestOutFilePath, sOut);

    if (isDebug) {
        if (logText.length > 0) {
        WScript.Echo('--End Test--');

function currentPath() {
    return new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory;

//Load the UTF-8 file into a string
function fileToString(sFilePath) {
    //Relies on  Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) which much be installed - 
    var oStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
    oStream.CharSet = "utf-8";
    var sData = removeBOM(oStream.ReadText());
    return sData;

//Write a string out to a UTF-8 file
function stringToFile(sFilePath, sData) {
    //Relies on  Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) which much be installed - 
    var oStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
    oStream.CharSet = "utf-8";
    oStream.SaveToFile(sFilePath, 2);