There may be times that you wish to reverse back to a previous version of an engine. The reason for doing a reverse back can be for a couple of reasons, one might be that you prefer the previous version or that you want to do a comparison. The steps to do this are straight forward.

Summary of steps involved:

1. Log into Language Studio and access the Custom Engine Catalog

2. Select the appropriate engine.

3. On the Versions tab, see which version is currently live.

4. Set the live version to a previous version.

Log into Language Studio and access the Custom Engine Catalog

1. With your Language Studio credentials, log into Language Studio.

2. In the Dashboard, select Improve (or Menu>Custom Engines>Custom Engine Catalog

Select the appropriate engine

3. You will be defaulted to the Filter screen for your Custom Engines. Just select the My Custom Engines tab or press Query to view all engines.

4. To see all your engines, select Expand All and Advanced.

5. Click on the green access button for the engine you want to change version for.

6. Then the engine details will load, up. Please select Versions tab

On the Versions tab, see which version is currently live

7. On the Versions tab, the currently live version, will be the one highlighted green.

8. Under Versions, select the Drop Down and choose the version you want to roll back to.

Set the live version to a previous version

9. Click Set to set it to the previous version

10. You will notice the previous version will be now highlighted green as the live version.