Language Studio projects serve multiple purposes:
- Project folders are used store configuration files and settings that will be used with different domains. These include JavaScript rules, Runtime Glossaries (GLO), Pre-Translation Corrections (PTC), Post Translation Adjustments (PTA) and Non-Translatable Terms (NTT). To change rules for an engine, simply make a new project folder with rule files stored in the new folder. At runtime, specify the project number for the project folder to use the settings associated with that folder and domain.
- Documents that are translated will be stored in the folder for a short period. Documents will be deleted by housekeeping automatically after a period of time. Documents include the original source file and the translated output file.
- Debug logs are also stored in the project folder and are very useful
for understanding why a particular translation result occurred and what
occurred at each stage of translation.
If you are using the REST API and do not specify a project number, then Language Studio will default to the first project for an account.