To submit data a new version of the engine for Autotraining, please follow the steps below. If you require a Manual Training, with expert analysis of your engine, please talk to your Client Account Manager and they can help you guide through what is required.

A more detailed version of this with full screen shots can be found in the Language Studio Administrator guides in the chapters 'How to create a new version of your engine' and 'How to upload data to your engine'. This guide can be accessed through Language Studio through Menu>Support>Administrator Guide.


    * Custom Engines have already been set up for Auto-Training (speak to your Account Manager who can advise, if you are unsure).

    * Have prepared at least 40,000 clean and good quality segments of TM for re-training. Below this amount isn't really worth uploading as you will not see much change in quality of the output.


1. Prepare the data that you wish to upload for each engine.

   * The TMs and any Post-Edited TMs you wish to upload. Post-Edited TMs are human edited MT phrase pairs.

   * For Autotraining, please use TMX and XLIFF formats.

2. Log into Language Studio and access the engine you wish to upload data to.

    * Access Menu>Custom Engines>Custom Engine Catalog

    * In the Filter tab, click Query and a list of all your engines will appear or press the My Custom Engines tab.

    * Press Expand All to list more details on the relevant engine.

    * Then, select the Access Button to select the relevant engine.

3. Create a new version of the engine.

    * In the My Custom Engine screen, select the Versions tab.

    * Click +Add to create a new version of the engine.

    * After you have clicked Add, a new screen will appear. Enter a Description for the new version, then click Save.

4. Access the Data Catalog and upload the TMs and/or Post Edited TMs.

   * After the new version has been created, select Data Catalog (this is where you upload data).

   * Select the Bilingual tab.

   * If you wish to upload TMs, select Translation Memories, if you have post edited TM's, upload in the Post Edited MT section.

   * Make sure the files are in TMX or XLIFF format.

    * Pop-Up Windows will appear enabling you to upload data.


5. Submit the engine for Processing.

    * When you have finished uploading all the data for that specific version of the engine, you can submit the version of the engine for processing. If you plan to upload files over a series of days, do not submit the version until you have finished uploading all your data.

    * Select the Training tab, then Train Engine tab and then click Automated Training, followed by Submit For Processing.

    * This will send the version of the engine for training.

6. Repeat this above process for the other engines.

7. Your Account Manager will then update you if there are any queries.

8. Once the engine has finished autotraining, you can run a Diagnostic test on the engine and Publish the engine.

    * Details on how to do this are covered here -

9. Once the engine has been published, the new version of the engine will be the live version.