There are 2 modes available when translating in Language Studio Enterprise web portal:

Translation Modes:

  1. Basic: All the most common settings are pre-configured and the advanced settings are hidden.
  2. Advanced: All advanced settings are visible and more control over the job options and results.

This knowledge base article only covers Basic Translation Mode:

After logging in, select Translate Documents from menu in the top left corner of the browser or from the Dashboard using the             Translate link.

This will take you to the Translate screen.

  1. Select the Language Pair that you want to translate from and to.

  2. Once a Language Pair has been selected, you can select which Domain (Custom Engine Sub-Domain) that you wish to translate with. All the live Custom Engine Sub-Domains are listed in the drop down list and you also have access to the Industyr Engines too. For more information on Industry Engines please read -

  3. Specify which Translation Project that you wish to use. Translation projects contain different rules, glossaries and other files that guide and modify the translation process. See the article "What are Language Studio Projects and what is the Project Number used for?" for more details.

  4. If you are translating many files, you may wish to provide a Batch Name so that they translation results can be found and downloaded more easily. Click on the button to the right of the input box to use a default time stamp.

  5. If you are debugging using rules or wish to understand how a translation was reached, you can enable the Produce Translation Log File option. This should only be used when needed as it adds extra processing and time overhead.

  6. Using the default File translation type, you can submit many files at one time for translation. Files can be Uploaded, Selected From Translation Projects, or from the File Pickup / Drop Off Folder.

        7. You can also translate a few short sentences using the Translate Text option.

        8. Once the file(s) are ready, the Translate button will be highlighted.  Press this to submit the translation job.

        9. The job will then start processing.

        10. Once the job has completed processing, it can be downloaded.